Sunday, November 1, 2015

Fall Picture Postings

Finally, have decided to organize the family photos....soooo many. Trying to decide the best tool to use. Should it be Picassa or something else. Any one that I choose will require a learning curve. I have used Picassa before but not sure I know all the options. There are boxes of pics in my office closet. So, I will begin with Bill's Vietnam pics first. I thought it would be easy but his mom had put them in a magnetic photo album that had a sticky back. In order to get them out of the album, I needed to use a cloth and iron to apply enough heat to loosen the picture. I was pleasantly surprised to find that Bill had written on the back of them. So, starting with 1969 and Vietnam.....

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Almost a month...

Almost a month of freedom from a steady job. I thought I would have lots of free time, but there are so many things to do related to being unemployed....I had to register and figure out the unemployment website....keeping track of jobs I have applied for....setting up my office to include getting business cards, setting up and learning how to use a new email tool and tasks and calendars...still haven't figured out a good expense reporting application. Let me know if you have a cool one.

Then there are the appointments. I had to convert my life the company to find out about the possibilities and find out that they want $1000/mo for term insurance...guess they don't want my business. That leads to phone tag with my current insurance agent to find out what is available. Then there are the financial planners...they want lots of I assemble the info and wait for their advice. Oh yes, and don't forget the attorney who reviewed the severance package and has several worthy suggestions. Another time to Cleveland to the Fidelity folks to talk about 401ks and IRAs...whew...I am getting a crash course in being my own personal HR representative. This is a great learning experience. Now that I have precious little money, everyone wants a piece of what is left...did I also mention the PrimeAmerica folks? 

The one blessing has been the ability to spend more time with my family and friends. I got to help my parents pack up their camper for the winter. My brother does so much for them. I am grateful for his constant attention to them and now I have the time to step up and assist. I am working at calling her at least every other day, just to check in.

I have three options on the table....
1. Continue my dissertation research on the causes of persistence...need affiliated with a University to do this.
2. Start my own business - Cyberbullying
3. Get a job with a company. One thing I know for sure is that I do not want to work for a 'for profit' organization again. There is way too much scrambling over each other to get to the top...I'm not that hungry...I am more interested in the outcome of the work...what does the company does it impact the world...who will benefit from the work. Once an idealist, always an idealist...somethings never change.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What a difference a day makes....

On my last post, I was extolling the virtues of working in public I am unemployed...the details are pretty standard...'corporate efficiencies' and 'elimination of your position'...but the outcome is the longer doing the work I loved.

So, this is the beginning of a new journey...not sure if it is early retirement or a opportunity to start a new business...still examining options but the day after the announcement, I felt "FEARLESS and FREE".  I am not afraid and now I have many options that were not available before...
1. The sand is quickly running through the hourglass for my the time to take advantage of each grain is a blessing.
2. The opportunity to examine the important work I want to do....a. continue my research into what makes humans 'persistent'. and b. maybe starting a business...
3. Freedom to re-invest in old friendships and find new ones
4. Plan a party.
5. Investigate Cyberbullying
and 6.7.and 8 that I haven't even thought about yet....

Think I will use this space to talk about the early retirement journey...I think this is a very FREEING opportuntiy....can't wait to get started....a new beginning.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Serving the community has become a passion....I love my job as a Public Relations Director for Time Warner Cable. This past weekend, we were the major sponsor of the Akron Marathon sponsored by Time Warner Cable and I got to stand at the finish line as the runners crossed the finish line...what dedication these folks have.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

To Induce or not to Induce...that is the question

My daughter is getting ready to deliver her first child. She is two weeks away from her delivery date and her doctor is already talking about inducing her.
Isn't it odd that humans are the only creatures who believe that baby's need to be born/delivered on certain days? No where else in the animal kingdom are drugs adminsitered to speed the labor and delivery....a real point to ponder.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Scott and Molly McCormick

What a day in Denver! Mile high dreams and destinies! Molly and Scott marry on Feb 7, 2009. They are both so deserving of each other. We couldn't be happier...and neither could they.
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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Because we can....our new president elect has moved us from fear to belief...what a fantastic feat. He has reclaimed our nation and has moved us from cynicism to belief in a future that we are yet to see. He is a visionary that allows our people to envision the best that we can become. He challenges us to rise to our best potential. He challenges us to do our best and be our best. He is our empowerment Leader. With his belief in us, we all will rise to our separate and unique occasions. We WILL become all that we are able to become. Our country is great because of the people who we share the belief that all things are possible...and tonight proves that when asked to provide our best...the American people can be relied on to find the leader among us and rely on his BRAVERY! God Bless our Country and our new President Elect - Barack Obama!!!!