Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Because we can....our new president elect has moved us from fear to belief...what a fantastic feat. He has reclaimed our nation and has moved us from cynicism to belief in a future that we are yet to see. He is a visionary that allows our people to envision the best that we can become. He challenges us to rise to our best potential. He challenges us to do our best and be our best. He is our empowerment Leader. With his belief in us, we all will rise to our separate and unique occasions. We WILL become all that we are able to become. Our country is great because of the people who we share the belief that all things are possible...and tonight proves that when asked to provide our best...the American people can be relied on to find the leader among us and rely on his BRAVERY! God Bless our Country and our new President Elect - Barack Obama!!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Caring versus Criticizing

How is it that we do not 'see' the caring...Why is it that an observation, a musing or a question can be mistaken for a criticism. It is not intended to be viewed that way. As I visited relatives recently, I noticed that the advice and concern that is voiced is often taken as an indictment of behavior. I see how it can be misconstued and how the message receiver can be confused and hurt. What a shame...the intention is to show compassion and caring and it somehow gets turned into hurt feelings. So, what is the process that 'softens' the delivery of the message? Perhaps there is no method that would allow the message to be delivered without someone taking offense. How hard it is to share knowledge in a way that is acceptable to the listener. It seems as though the farther apart the relationship, the easier it is. Conversely, the closer the relationship, spouse, child, parent, the more likely the receiver 'interprets' the message ascribing ulterior motives to the message sender. Sometimes the message sender is just trying to relate their concern.

So, perhaps the solution is to take a deep breath and just listen to what is being said. Don't read too much into the 'behind the scenes' motives because perhaps there are none.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


As the summer comes to the days of gathering, I think of how the seasons progress, with little thought or control or planning by humans. The days progress at a steady pace and worrying about the speed of tomorrow accomplishes nothing.

It is fascinating to think about how other living things grow. Tomatoes on the vine have no concern for yesterday or tomorrow. They are not thinking beings and yet they are able to follow the schedule that allows growth and maturity without thought. Humans are caught in the thinking web....always planning...so we can enjoy...and sometimes we are so wrapped in the planning and creating the 'perfect' NOW that we miss the NOW that is already here.

We harvest in preparation for survival of the winter. Some species lie dormant in the winter in order to survive, some live only for a season and then scatter their seeds. Others prepare for the harsh times by storing that which they may need. How many of us spend a long time preparing for the event that we never have. I know I do. I created a deck on the back of my house to entertain. I paint it and maintain it so that I am ready to entertain at a moment's notice. I bought 3 tables and chairs.... I have umbrellas and cushions... but how many times do I use it? Sometimes I think that I spend more time in the preparation than in the actual entertaining....

The fruits of the season are to be enjoyed...whether it is actually inviting folks to sit on the deck and make themselves comfortable or whether it is just living in the moment as I savor that tomato from the plant that I planted in the Spring. Harvest time is a good time to think about what we should be storing and why...and whether we should live in the NOW or prepare for the future. I think that some of both is a good approach. Personally, I have to guard against too much preparing and learn to live more in the moment...so, bring on the peaches and the tomatoes...I am ready to savor the moment.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Next Directions

So many possibilities...that's what I have been thinking of lately. I want to move to the next level of creativitiy but am unsure the which direction to take. Shall I volunteer to teach at a University? Take a class? Write an article? Develop more public speaking? So many possibilities that I am baffled by the choices. For the time being I am content to enjoy the long summer evenings and my walks in the neighborhood. I am, as the Taoist state, becoming one with the 10,000 things.

Speaking of 10,000 things, I am pitching possesions as quickly as possible. They become the masters of our lives. Owning and caring for 'things' is a huge drain on our resource of time. Think of all you could do if you didn't need to maintain the 10,000 things.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Summer 2008

The Grace of Aging...

Watching my parents (age 88 and 90 respectively) is a study in patience and an observation of grace in action...Taking them this week to a funeral, I recognized that my father has gotten softer and more emotional and my mother has gotten more logical and analytical...They are aging gracefully except when my mother moves into the "mothering" mode.

I hope that as I age I will be able to have the grace that my parents exhibit...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Well, I have spent the first half of my life collection and acquiring. I am now in the process of 'getting rid of' or de-acquiring. So, the question is...what are the acceptable levels of accumulation? Are there acceptable levels?

How many coats/shoes/pants/suits/stuff and more stuff can one own? At some point, enough is enough. When you have reached the saturation point of ownership, do we recognize it? Or is accumulation part of the mammal's natural reaction to survival-storing for a rainy day?

Thinking mammals would recognize when all of their storage/hiding places have been filled. Thinking mammals would recognize that additional storage spaces are more than can or should be filled. Are we destined to keep accumulating?